Solar Panels Vs Electricity Bills

Have you ever heard that solar panels only make sense in sunny states what if I told you that they can help anyone save money while this is true that solar panels can produce more electricity in areas of more sunlight the amount you can save from getting solar panels for your home is completely dependent on one major factor avoiding your electricity bill people all over the country even in cloudy areas can save cold hard cash with solar power the higher your electricity rates the more you stand to save a solar high rates equals solar savings all the power you use from a solar panel system reduces the amount of energy you pull from your utility provider that means that the expense you avoided are a combination of how much electricity you
as well as the cost of electricity your solar panels replace the states with the highest estimated annual savings such as our home state of galilee are also the states that have the highest electric utility rates states like Washington or Illinois never have as many sunny days as Arizona but with the solar they make up for their cloudy days with high electricity costs rates continue to rise our solar panel systems can generate electricity for 25 to 40 years when considering the lifespan of solar panels customers should be aware of how much they can save over the span of 30 years or more which brings us to another important factor inflation while your costs may be high today they will only continue to climb throughout the years the cost of electricity has increased 30 percent over the last 10 years especially in California if you have solar panels these costs will turn into savings which will only grow as time goes on when you generate your own electricity with solar panels you're essentially locking in the price of your power and protecting yourself from any rate hikes in the future give us a call at sun energy California 760-545-8466 to find out how to lock in your low rates and start gathering your savings in a matter of weeks.


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